
Backbend Challenge: June ’18 – Week #2

Backbend Challenge: June ’18 – Week #2

Week #1 of the Backbend Challenge focused on backbends in everyday life. Here in week #2 we look at setting time aside for doing simple poses. And in week #3 we will explore backbends using props….

The Practice

The key point in yoga is the practice – not the theory. A little bit of practice goes a short way, and a more regular practice goes a long way. Whereas a ton of theory will not get you very far. So here the aim is practice and we will keep it simple.

Just partake in either of the two backbends either in the morning or in the evening. And those who are really motivated will balance it out with a few forward bends of their choosing.

Instructions: From a prone position, inhale into the pose, retain the breath and hold the pose for eight seconds, and then exhale back to a prone position. Take a rest breath and repeat. Do up to eight rounds. This applies to both of the below postures. 

Courtesy of Times Hood

Courtesy of Our Health Page

Backbend Challenge: Week #1: Backbends in Everyday Life

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