August Seminar: What Do YOU Want?

Venice (Colleen Sabo)
~ “Venice” by Colleen Sabo ~

Some of the best ideas for seminars have come from you all!! Once again I am calling your number…

In August – or in any of the upcoming months – what seminars would you like to see offered? What topics would you like to see covered?

Should it be physical (i.e. posture related either to refine one’s practice or address specific ailments; philosophical (life principles, spirituality, the epics, Sanskrit terminology, etc); related with daily living habits (food, diet, nutrition, fasting, home practice etc); historical (ancient India, Gandhi & Indian Independence, past yogis etc); or you tell me.

Here is a full list of topics we have covered in the past.

Awaiting your suggestions…

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  1. One suggestion that came forward was a philosophical session on:

    “The Paths of Yoga”

    What do you think??

  2. Yes to Yogic Philosophy! I always learn something new and refreshing.

    Have you thought about doing another food seminar? I’ve never had the opportunity to attend, but I know they’re popular.

    1. Thanks Jean for the suggestions!! Food will be coming up later in the year – sometime – though I suppose a late August food seminar is a possibility – let’s think about that one- thanks!!

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