America is Going Meatless – Join In!!


So the facts are in – more and more Americans are going meatless – & liking it! (Link below)

It isn’t just Bill Clinton, but many are getting the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Some are doing Meatless Mondays, while others are taking a deeper look at their eating patterns throughout the week.

Wherever you may stand, certainly we all benefit from a refinement in our food choices: Weight loss, lower BP, lower cholesterol, and the benefits go on and on.

For those looking to go further, try these options to gain insight and ideas about a plant-based diet:

Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine

Dr John McDougall

Forks Over Knives

Dr Dean Ornish

Or if there is a specific book or plan that has helped you, let us know about. And yes here is that article about how more and more Americans are going meatless.

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  1. Spring has sprung. The cycles of the seasons are turning. The trees are in blum and garden seeds are sprouting. This is a great time of year to detox your body. I have enjoyed each spring cleansing and have adapted new practices to my regular diet as a result Cutting back on the amount of meat in our diet and giving up sugar and caffeine will aid in fighting off flu and spring colds. Try drinking tea and let the energy of this weed energize you. Give the detox a week or two and if you do not feel better, go back to your caffeine induced productive schedule. 🙂

  2. Good one Mark! Great ideas for us all to try out. Keep us posted on your success! Very inspiring to hear…

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