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Abs Challenge #7 – Podcast

Here is the Abs Challenge #7 – a varied practice that will definitely keep you strong and balanced. Please find the podcast below.


The opening sequence of this practice builds into a standing core balance pose, which Megan is demonstrating below.

Also in this practice is a series of movements from downward dog where we shift forward and have the knee suspended to the outside of the elbow, as shown below by Kristen. Again, this entails deep engagement in your core muscles.


Also in this practice is uddayana mudra and you can find more about uddayana mudra here…

Here is the sequence for this practice:

Child -> balancing table -> pumping the leg -> utthita dhanurasana / extended bow pose (hand to foot) -> standing forward fold -> mountain pose -> standing balance (knee to sternum) -> half-moon side bend -> chair pose to uddayana mudra (2x) -> standing forward fold -> downward dog -> shift forward knee to nose, knee to outside elbow, knee to opposite elbow -> dolphin plank (leg variations) -> wide angle dolphin side plank ->  dolphin plank to knees down (4x) -> plank -> child -> supine -> L-shape -> legs lowered -> wide angle rope climb -> bridge to hip-opener -> shavasana

Time: 16 min 17 sec

Podcast Rating (Difficulty): 7 out of 10

Note: Below is podcast #7 and here is where you can find all the Abs Challenge podcasts….

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