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Abs Challenge #4 – Podcast

Welcome to the Abs Challenge #4 – podcast below. This is an engaging practice with lots of core work but with not a lot of action on the wrists. For instance, there is not one plank pose, but lots of other ways of stimulating the core – so check it out!!


As noted, this is a practice that is demanding, but is not “wrist heavy.” After the opening table and downward dog sequence, the rest of the session is done from a seated and supine position. Below is one of the dolphin plank positions we explore in the opening sequence.

Cassie - dolphin plank
Cassie in Dolphin Plank (variation)

Here is the sequence for this practice:

Child’s pose -> downward dog (leg variations) -> table  -> child -> table (leg extensions and knee to nose) -> dolphin plank (leg lifts + dolphin side plank) -> child -> upward boat -> seated ball pose -> knees bent, arms extended -> option to extend to V-shape -> lower to mat -> supine bound angle -> happy baby pose -> floating bound angle (garudasana variation) -> all limbs up -> diagonal limb lowering -> rope climb -> extended leg lowering -> variety of log angle core and leg work -> shavasana

Time: 18 min 27 sec

Podcast Rating (Difficulty): 7 out of 10

Note: Below is podcast #4 and here is where you can find all the Abs Challenge podcasts….

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  1. Thanks for this one too! It might be a bit much for me but will give it a try – thanks for doing these ones that are easy on the arms!

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