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Abs Challenge #2 – Podcast

This is the second offering / practice for the Abs Challenge (Nov ’14) – see podcast below.  This is a slightly longer practice than the first one and maybe a little more difficult.


Remember to personalize this as needed: If some poses are not supportive for you then simply do something else or go into child’s pose and rejoin in when you can. During this month we aim to present a wide variety of abs / core podcasts. Please do let us know of particular requests you may have.

Dolphin Side Plank

For those who like to see the written sequence – here it is:

Seated breathing -> oyster pose -> seated forward fold -> balancing ball -> core seated balance (hand inside knees, hands to feet, hands toes), balancing ball -> core seated balance (single leg extension) -> table -> utthita dhanurasana (extended bow pose) -> table top / upward table -> plank -> wide angle plank (arm forward and turn to side) -> downward dog -> supported side plank -> downward dog -> knee to elbow -> dolphin wide angle plank (arm forward) -> plank -> child -> supine -> supine bound angle -> happy baby pose -> rope climb -> knees to belly -> low core movement -> shavasana

Time: 15 min 26 sec

Podcast Rating (Difficulty): 6 out of 10

Note: Below is podcast #2 and here is where you can find all the Abs Challenge podcasts….

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