
The Balance Challenge: April ’19 – Week #1

The Balance Challenge: April ’19 – Week #1

Each week of the month we will explore a new balancing endeavor….see links below…

Balance comes and goes and demands practice. And one certainly has the ability to improve their balance. A big part of it is muscle memory – and that key word: confidence.

Keeping this in mind are embarking on The Balance Challenge for the month of April 2019. Each week we will explore a new way to enhance our balance.

Here is what we will do for week #1:

(A) Roll out your yoga mat, and stand at the one end.
(B) Bring your right heel to your left toe.
(C) Lift your arms to a T-position or draw your hands to the heart, and close your eyes.
(D) Hold your stance for 5 breaths or so.
(E) Open your eyes (or not) and bring the left heel to your right toe.
(F) In this manner, slowly make your way to the far end of the mat.
(G) Then return backwards.

Try this on a daily basis and gauge your progress.

Let us know how it goes….

Balance Challenge: Weeks #2 – #4

Week #2  – April ’19 Balance Challenge (Lateral Poses)

Week #3 – April ’19 Balance Challenge (Transitions)


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