Podcast: Introverting the Mind
Podcast: “Introverting the Mind” A Meditative Practice Time: 12 min 49 sec The yogic concept of introversion is quite different from that of materialism. Gain insight into this key aspect…
Podcast: True Self-Worth
Podcast: A Meditative Exploration True Self-Worth Time: 14 min 22 sec How we view ourselves and by what standards we evaluate ourselves is fundamentally key to what we perceive our…
Podcast: Standing Balance Series 1
A Yoga Podcast: Standing Balance Series 1 Time: 13 min 52 sec This is the first in a new podcast series on balance poses. This is an unscripted podcast recorded…
Podcast: Oneness Meditation
A Podcast: Oneness Meditation Time: 11 min 21 sec Here is the latest in our meditation journeying. This is a way to bring connection – inside and out. What is…
Meditation Podcast: “Spirituality”
Here is our latest addition to our growing collection of on-line meditation podcasts: Spirituality Time: 15 min 05 sec This podcast aims to share some foundational aspects of spirituality in…
Podcast: Hour Glass Meditation
Hour Glass Meditation Time: 12 min 06 sec This special “hour-glass” meditation is for all those confronted with a busy life yet yearn to feel a sense of calm. How…
Podcast: Equanimity in Battle
Podcast: Equanimity in Battle Time: 4 min 14 sec On Saturday after class, we discussed how each and every moment in life is a battle – the good fight –…
Podcast: Inner Connection
Meditation: Inner Connection Time: 6 min 50 sec Is not connection one of the chief aims in any meditation practice. Here is a short session that offers all you need…
Podcast: Meditation ~ Inner Presence
Meditation ~ Inner Presence Time: 11min 46 sec Here is the latest in our unscripted podcast meditation series. This one focuses on the presence within. Just as there is an…
Podcast: Yoga Nidra II – Inner Exploration
Yoga Nidra II: Inner Exploration Time: 13 min 31 sec Props are optional Join us for this soothing practice of restoration where we use the mind itself to calm and…
Podcast: Making the Unknown Known
A Meditative Podcast: Making the Unknown Known Time: 9 min 22 sec In this unscripted, meditative podcast uncover one of the most unique aspects of our meditation practice. What is…
Podcast: Yoga Nidra – 1
Yoga Nidra I Time: 15 min 41 sec Props are optional Yoga Nidra I is the latest in our ongoing podcast series. This is a practice that literally anyone and…