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Yoga with My Mom

On Saturday we had a community of young ones in class. Moms did lunges and arm balances and kids did their thing.

(Note: You may click on the photos to see them in a larger view.)

Here first is one darling on lookout – I might add that her balance was quite remarkable. She was very nonchalant about it.

Standing on Mom

While some stood on top of mom, others on occasion turned their back and went off to the side…

Monaca & Amelia

Sometimes mommy was in a most interesting pose, but alas the nifty plastic hangers were of greater interest.

Kate in Wheel

Then there were times just to lean back and relax on mommy’s pigeon pose – after all yoga is tough stuff.

Relaxing Pigeon

And then there were times when it was just the right moment to come together.


And then before you knew it, it was time for mommy and I to finish our practice and go home….

(Note: Some fathers were in class and practicing hard, but their shots just did not make the final cut, next time pops!)

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