Yoga Tips #3: Natural Remedies

Yoga Tips #3: Natural Remedies

The world of yoga is vast and includes all kinds of natural and herbal remedies…

Here are a few natural remedies and general lifestyle guidelines that help address particular issues and / or enhance overall health.

#1: Mosquito bite: Apply apple cider vinegar; just a few drops will stop the itch and make the swelling and redness disappear.

#2: Acidity & constipation: Drink a liter of warm lemon-salt water in the morning on an empty stomach. Squeeze 1/2 or whole lemon (or lime) in your vessel, add pinch of salt, mix and then add warm water and stir.

#3: Blood cleanser: Eat bitter foods on an empty stomach; use turmeric to spice your food, and you can even eat turmeric powder by itself (just be ready and start with a little!).

#4: Head cold: Eat grapefruit, plenty.

#5: Low back pain: Backbends from a prone position, i.e. cobra pose, shalabasana etc. Note: This works most of the time but not in all cases for all people.

#6: Stress & anxiety: Deep breathing with cosmic ideation. For more about this join our 20 minute Saturday morning meditation class.

#7: High cholesterol: Adopt a plant-based diet, or cut down on meat, fish, and poultry as much as possible.

#8: Constipation: Take foods that act as a purgative like beets, spinach, etc. Drink plenty of water in between meals.

#9: Lethargy: Physical activity, hydration, positive outlook, good company.

#10: Rheumatism: Eat a predominantly alkaline diet, up to 3/4 of your food intake. Take plenty of sweet and sour fruits, roots, and leafy greens.

Kindly add your favorite or most effective natural remedies…


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