Yoga & the Goodness of Lemons (& Limes)

Yoga & the Goodness of Lemons (& Limes)

According to the yogis, warm lemon / lime water with a pinch of salt is a a very health-supportive way to start the day. Try a glass or a liter and see how beneficial it is for digestion and overall health as it has make your blood more alkaline. First mix your preferred amount of fresh lemon or lime juice with a pinch of salt, and then add luke-warm (not hot) water. Drinking this on an empty stomach in the early morning is most beneficial.

Here below is a simple yet interesting article on more ways to derive the benefits of a lemon. Try them yourself and see how they work for you. Take this as an experiment in human / household laboratory…

Cut a Few Lemons and Place Them On The Bedside In Your Bedroom – Here’s Why!

(Edited and Adapted from Healthy Magazine)

Lemon Cut

Lets start from the smell of lemon. There`s a reason why lemon smell is associated with “clean and fresh”. Lemon is a natural antiseptic and lemon juice is a powerful cleaning agent. The smell improves one’s mood and is often used in treatments for people who suffer from depression and anxiety.

The Beautiful Lemon

Lemon Juice is a natural cleanser of the scalp and many people use it to treat some skin diseases. It also dries acne helps in whitening dark spots. Cut the lemon in half. Rub elbows, knees and calluses. Lemon will soften all thickened skin areas. Lemon juice can be used for whitening of nails, freshen your breath, and calm your aching feet.

Lemon for health

Lemon juice is a good treatment for many conditions including arthritis, indigestion and rheumatism. Drinking lemon / lime water daily will rid the body of toxins and prevent kidney stones from forming. Lemons are used to treat diseases like cholera and malaria because their juice helps purify the blood. [Renyoga insert: The secret behind this is that lemons and limes are the most alkaline foods on the planet. That means although they are high in citric acid but when ingested they have a highly alkaline effect on the blood. And alkaline foods are especially good for health.]

We all know lemons are rich in vitamin C but did you know about the many other vitamins and minerals they contain? These include vitamin A, vitamin E, copper, chromium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Like most other fruits, lemons are high in antioxidants, which are proven to fight the signs of aging.

1. Your room will smell wonderful. Lemons work better than an aerosol spray or room freshener that will just unload chemicals into your environment. Get a freshly scented room by slicing open lemons and leaving them in a bowl overnight. You’ll never want to use those toxic sprays again.

2. You breathe will be better. If you suffer from asthma, or you have a cold or allergies, breathing in the lemon-filled air all night will improve your breathing. You’ll awake with a clear head and a clear throat.

3. You’ll awake refreshed. If you’re someone who hates to wake up and often feels sluggish in the morning, that will end once you inhale the lemony perfume. Lift the bowl of lemons to your face and breathe in. You’ll feel an instant hit of energy and well-being that’s far better, and far better for you than a jolt of caffeine or a sugar-filled energy drink.

It’s been shown that seeing something bright and cheerful first thing in the morning instantly improves your mood. A bowl of sunny lemons is just the ticket to lift your gray morning spirits and make you take on the day with a smile. It’s time to stop treating the lowly lemon as just a garnish or a cooking ingredient. This citrusy ball of goodness deserves pride of place in your home. Go grab a bag of lemons today and put them to use making your life healthier, happier and more beautiful.

How To Keep Lemons Fresh

Generally, within 7 days whole lemons become hard and dry if you leave them in the open.

To put them in a sealed plastic bag and store them in the fridge is the best way to keep your lemons fresh and juicy.

It’s as simple as that!

Your lemons are able to retain most of its juice and flavor for as long as four weeks in this state.

The ideal temperature for storing ripe (yellow) lemons is between 4º and 10ºC (39–50ºF)according to the European Food Information Council (EUFIC). The middle shelves or door shelves are around this temperature for most refrigerators.


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