Yoga Nidra Challenge: Dec 2013

IMAG0045_ZOE007 Yoga Nidra Challenge:

Dec 2013

Yoga nidra is an important element of any yoga practice – it enables you to rest, restore, and rejuvenate. With the end of the year upon us and all the chaos and confusion (& joy!) that goes with it, the Yoga Nidra Challenge will serve as a wonderful way to close out the calendar year.

The Challenge: Do an extended yoga nidra practice (25+ min or so) each week. So select a day, choose a time-slot, and clear your schedule for that time period.

The Practice: You may select from one of our yoga nidra sessions, use other resources, or create your own yoga nidra session.

The Positioning: Essentially in yoga nidra you are lying on your back in corpse pose. You may prop your knees, have a rolled towel or yoga mat along your spine, use an eye pillow, or other variations. Using a blanket for covering is also quite nice. See what appeals to you.

Our Yoga Nidra Offerings:

(Please note that these represent a range of expressions recorded over months and years. Be sure to sample multiple sound files to find those that best suit you – at the same time I will aim to put up more and add the links below as the month advances. So always be sure to check for new installments.)

Yoga Nidra 1 (15 min 41 sec)

Yoga Nidra II – Inner Exploration (13 min 31 sec)

Pranayama & Yoga Nidra (18 min 12 sec)

Yoga Nidra with Chakras (33 min 47 sec)

Yoga Nidra with Singing Bowls (23 min 37 sec)

Deep Relaxation with Singing Bowls  (23 min 6 sec)

Singing Bowls with Vocals by Angie (18 min 18 sec) Note: There are no oral instructions, yet it may be very soothing for your practice.

Yoga Nidra with Sitar (12 min 23 sec)

Music, Movement & Meditation Audio (5 min 23 sec) Note: There are no oral instructions, yet it may be very soothing for your practice.

Music, Movement & Meditation II Audio (12 min 37 sec) Note: There are no oral instructions, yet it may be very soothing for your practice.

Yoga Nidra Live (22 min 37 sec) New!! Recorded 12/3/13

Yoga Nidra Live II (19min 07 sec) New!! Recorded 12/12/13

Yoga Nidra Live III (15 min 27 sec) New!! Recorded 12/19/13

Other options: Remember, you can always do a self-guided, silent yoga nidra session using meditative techniques from our podcasts – personalizing them for you – and perhaps playing some soothing music if you wish. The main thing is to remain in shavasana and not allow yourself to be disturbed by mundane, day to day, events.

Request: Please do share your experiences with the above practices / podcasts. Comments can be left here or on the blog post of the particular podcast. That will help inspire others and give us response for improving. The art and science of making the ideal yoga nidra practice is an ongoing process…yet it’s an endeavor we wish to take on!


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  1. Yay! I think I’ll try to do this one. You know I just finished leading my own 30 day Relaxation Challenge but I bet I’d like to be led instead of doing the leading. Thank you for the offering!

    1. Great to have you on board Sara – your ongoing engagements and offerings are valued by many, many, including yours truly – so glad to be able to share in return…

  2. Kirk and I are definitely down for this…we hope to try each podcast out…what a perfect choice for this time of year!

  3. I started this challenge yesterday with the rolled up mat and I have to say, this is my favorite challenge so far.

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