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Yoga Living: Recent Scenes

Yoga Living: Recent Scenes

Here are a few shots of life from the past few weeks…

Class Time

Here is a short video from Saturday morning’s cool down just prior to shavasana…

And here is the team from the prior Saturday actively involved in an upper spine twist…

Yoga Nutrition

Here is my latest and greatest pre-yoga meal:

1 sliced banana, 3 chopped apples, home grown red clover and broccoli sprouts, soaked ground walnuts, fresh ground flax seed, topping of tahini, & a sprinkling of sea salt – all organic.

Below is a round of fresh daikon radish sprouts…

Mother Nature

Couldn’t help but stop and take a photo of the spring snowfall in the form of blooming cherry blossoms.

Heading off into the sunset (view from the passenger’s seat)

Goodies from Afar

Look what arrived – got plenty of nice, new mats – vibrant colors & the best deal in town…

Thanks for viewing…


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