Yoga Day Wrap-Up

Thanks to all who came out for Yoga Day this morning. What a spirited community turnout it was. After all, the temperature was hovering in the teens but that did not stop our yoga team from coming out in full-force.

We began the day at 8am with gentle yoga and a meditation – and the hall was full. 40+ people participated in that session. It was a mix of young and old, regulars and first-timers, the old faithful and new guard. We stretched and formed our bodies – leaving behind any and all stiffness. At the end we sat for a 10 minute meditation – expanding the mind, connecting within.

We concluded with a tale about a keen young man who overcomes the odds & escapes execution even when the king himself was the one who framed him. He thought (and ate) his way to innocence.

After class many stayed for tea and talk, seeing old friends and speaking with neighbors, and perhaps doing a bit of window shopping. And what about Kate’s homemade bread with blackberry jam – totally wonderful!

Soon it was time…

Fair warning was given accordingly but many brave souls attended Absolutely Abs, around 20 or so. And in a flash there we were working the abs in all kinds of ways. Everyone held steady in this fast-paced, core-kicker – save for a few moans and groans. And just as quickly as it started, we came to a peaceful halt, massaged the core and called it a session. Everyone promised to come back next week for more torture, I mean practice.

Shortly after 10am, Strength & Fitness was underway, with around 20 in the hall for this vinyasa experience. A gentle start and then we rallied our way through strength sequences, lunges, arm balances and so much more. Everyone had an energetic practice and a courageous outlook.

After S & F, people were kind enough stick around and chat about the comings and goings of life. All in all it was a wonderful yoga day – thanks to all of you for coming out!!

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