
Yoga Day Celebration: Jan 23, 2010!!

YDUSA2010_SQUARE_180x150_000Join us in celebration of Yoga Day!!

Schedule of Events

Sat, Jan 23, 2010; 8am – Noon

Galesville Memorial Hall

Free  Classes * Live Performances * Raffles & Giveaways * Much More!!

This is a special day to enjoy the benefits of yoga and embrace the spirit of community. We are in the midst of planning all kinds of performances and activities for the day – all totally FREE!

If there is something you feel you’d like to contribute, let us know.

celebration More than anything else, yoga is about realizing the greatness of the human spirit. To overcome obstacles and challenges and create a totally positive flow of life. Let’s together celebrate and embrace that spirit on Yoga Day.

Yoga Day is also a BIG thank you to the entire Renaissance Yoga family – it is our small way of expressing our gratitude for your friendship, support, and good cheer!!

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  1. Yoga is a way of life, a conscious act, not a set or series of learning principles. The dexterity, grace, and poise you cultivate, as a matter of course, is the natural outcome of regular practice. You require no major effort. In fact trying hard will turn your practices into a humdrum, painful, even injurious routine and will eventually slow down your progress. Subsequently, and interestingly, the therapeutic effect of Yoga is the direct result of involving the mind totally in inspiring (breathing) the body to awaken. Yoga is probably the only form of physical activity that massages each and every one of the body’s glands and organs. This includes the prostate, a gland that seldom, if ever, gets externally stimulated in one’s whole life.
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  2. Everyday people are reporting their wonderful experiences on health benefits of Yoga, the transformation of being, taking you beyond the here and now. In one wonderful session of Yoga, people get to practice a number of things, some Yoga poses (asanas) breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and chanting. In Yoga you get to learn basic terms like Mudras, Bandhas and Chakras. Best of all, Yoga is fun and relaxing while, at the same time, being delectably challenging to beginners.Derived from the Sanskrit root “Yujir Yogey” meaning to unite, to yoke, to join, to put together, Yoga is not about mind over body. On the other hand, Yoga is about developing harmony between them. In Yoga, you use your mind to perceive (diagnose) and guide (heal) your body. Never control, let alone force it!

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