
Yoga at Naval Academy X-C Camp (Videos)

~ Be Sure to Watch the Video Below ~

warrior III variationToday we held our 4th annual yoga session at the Naval Academy’s National Cross-Country camp for high school runners. And what an amazing group they were. I have uploaded 13 videos to Youtube (links below) for your viewing pleasure and have included one video at the bottom of this blog post.

The camp itself is run by Coach Karen Boyle, the Naval Academy Women’s Varsity X-C coach. Each year the camp attracts 125+ runners from around the country. And standing wide angleindeed this year we had upwards of 125+ people in our yoga class. Lot’s o’ fun – especially when they are perfectly dialed in to the program like this group was. They were focused, ready, open-minded, and strong.

Coach Boyle runs the camp in a very dynamic manner. Not only do the attendees have access to the many great facilities of the Naval Academy, she introduces them to all kinds of cross training techniques – one of which is yoga. So we go through an entire 90 minute routine: Full of conditioning poses, range of motion poses, strength poses & more. Plus we explore breathing, relaxation and ways to balance the mind.

shavasanaBy the end of the program, our student athletes are quite ready for a long, extended shavasana. Ahhh….

From there it was a short seated meditation, an inspirational tale, and then we called it a session.

My best regards to Coach Boyle and her stellar athletes – I wish everyone a wonderful summer and a successful upcoming season.

Here is one of the videos…

Feel free to check out my YOUTUBE channel and watch the other 12 videos from the US Naval Academy X-C Camp. Or click on them here one by one…

Child Pose Relaxation *** Wide Angle Down Dog Sequence *** Lunge to Chaturaunga *** Side Plank *** Shalabasana *** Lunge to Cobra *** Bow Pose *** High Lunge Series *** Supported Side Plank *** Roll Back to Supine *** Shavasana *** Shavasana II *** And Many More to Come…

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