Yoga at National X-C Camp at Naval Academy: 4th of July Session

Celebrated yet another 4th of July leading a yoga session for the National Cross Country Camp for high school runners at the Naval Academy. This year was a particularly good group of 118+ teenagers (or more!) – who hailed from around the country. They were extremely focused and sincere in their practice.

For some, yoga was new to them, while others clearly had some experience. But all tried their mighty best in the session and were very serious – yet joyous – in their approach.

So the question arises – how do you get 118+ teenagers to be completely still and silent all at once? Why shavasana (corpse pose) of course!?!

Nat'l X-C Camp

A true pleasure and joy to practice with these student-athletes – a great way to celebrate the 4th!

Here are links and photos to past sessions: blog and videos (2011), blog post and photo (2009).

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  1. This is a yoga teacher’s dream to have this many students at once. I’ll bet the energy in the air was enjoyable 🙂

    1. Hey Susan,

      it is indeed a high energy session filled with curious young minds seeking knowledge and training techniques. A really wonderful gathering!!!

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