
Yoga Anywhere #01: Just Flow

Yoga Anywhere #01: Just Flow

Podcast: 1 hr 1 min 37 sec

A comprehensive practice with a series of twists and turns – including a peppery balance sequence – that is suitable for most. 

Story & Support: At the outset of the pandemic, before we all discovered Zoom etc, I quickly recorded a series of 12 practices, aptly entitled “Stay-At-Home Yoga”. Those were well-received and widely used; and, they were also  freely accessible (no cost). This new podcast series is called “Yoga Anywhere”. It is an alternative to onsite and Zoom classes. These will also be freely accessible.

If you have been enjoying our podcasts and wish to see more,
you are welcome to make a donation:

Paypal or Venmo (@RenaissanceYoga)

Check: RenYoga c/o Nicholson, 1192 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast guides you through a practice that will renew you from head to toe, slowly gaining momentum as the flow builds and eases into a soothing culmination.


Sequence: Seated breathing / warm-ups / table / child / downward dog, / half-circle -> iron gate / mini-pyramid -> warrior III variation -> low lunge -> pyramid / downward dog / forward fold / lightening bolt -> 1/2 awkward chair -> lateral balance -> high lunge / downward dog / triangle / downward dog -> plank -> upward dog / seated wide angle fold / supine twist / shavasana.


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