
Yoga Anatomy: Back & Hips Review

We held our first ever Yoga Anatomy seminar yesterday and it was packed with information, movement, questions, and active engagement.

We had a full-house with 29 participants, 2 videographers, and 2 presenters –  Shawn C. O’Neill DPT and myself.

After a short welcoming message and a brief history of yoga from its mystical and esoteric beginnings to today’s widely-popular practice by yours truly, we then turned the program over to Shawn for a brief (20 min), yet comprehensive, overview of the back and hips. Shawn covered topics such as planes of movement, spinal anatomy, muscular anatomy, and common pathological conditions. Shawn also brought in “Bob”, a wonderful replica of the spine that was portable, bendable, and precise. Contrary to popular myth, “Bob” is not a former patient!

Thereafter we delved into an extended yoga practice covering seated postures, forward bends, table positions, backbends, partial inversions like downward dog & bridge pose, standing sequences, twists, and more.

For each pose we investigated how to enter into the pose safely and properly, and then Shawn would give insight as to what was happening with the body anatomically. From there we would illustrate what problems arrive if the body is not in proper alignment in the pose, and invariably along the way there was opportunity for further dialog, stories and questions.

Plus we got the whole seminar captured on video – this week we are exploring what to do with that. We chose to video it as we knew it would be filled with info and detailed explanations that would make it difficult to “take it all in” on the first go.

All in all it was quite a dynamic afternoon. And we look forward to presenting more seminars in this series. Next up, Yoga Anatomy: Neck and Shoulders. Thanks so much Shawn for your expertise and we look forward to our further travels with you.

The program drew very favorable course evaluations – with excellent suggestions for next time – and I hope those who attended will share a thought or two here about their experiences at yesterday’s seminar.

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