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Wisdom Challenge: Oct 2020

Wisdom Challenge: Oct 2020

Here we reflect on the dramatic shift that has affected all our lives
and what pearls of wisdom we have gained….

Overview: Life turned upside-down

We have now passed six months of pandemic life. For most of us, our worlds have been turned upside-down, or, at the very least, topsy-turvy. Yet, there was no option but to somehow adapt, through trial and error, struggle, and some semblance of calm. And by that process, as difficult as it may be – financially, emotionally, socially, or personally – invariably one comes away with a bit more wisdom.

So the monthly challenge for October 2020 is to share some of that wisdom with others.

Central themes: How did pandemic life affect you?

What was the greatest hurdle that the pandemic presented to you? How did you overcome it? What were you unable to overcome, and to what degree did you just have to reconcile yourself with the new conditions of life? What enabled you to manage or even thrive? What is the nugget of wisdom that you can impart to us? Does it come from dealing with one problem after another, or from successfully navigating through the minefield of pandemic life?

Reflection: Sharing wisdom

How were you touched, and how have you succeeded in the face of such adversity? What wisdom can you share with us?

Community building: Telling your story

Kindly consider sharing your story, anonymously if you wish.

Leave a comment below, email us, or reach us here.

All entries will be compiled in a new blog post….

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