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Winter Sunrise and Life on the Path of Yoga

According to the yogis, this universe is jagat, i.e. ever-changing, mobile, and always unfolding and restructuring itself in ever-new ways. Across time and space, no situation ever remains the same.

Here is veritable proof. Even on a bitter winter morning – like Saturday 2/14/15 – when it seems like chill and dreariness are all we get, and many wish spring would quickly arrive, sunrises like this occur. Maybe we see them, maybe not, but always there is some great show taking place or about to unfold.


And within a matter of seconds it transforms into something like this:


And before we know it, it is gone – only to arise anew.

Similarly our own lives are in a perpetual state of transformation – both inside and out. Body and mind are constantly being restructured and made anew. Sometimes we notice this and sometimes not. Yet no condition ever remains the same. Thus, irrespective of what is going on, there is always scope to make life brighter: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

As practitioners, we embrace this truth and strive to always make both body and mind more flexible, expansive, and resplendent. Each breath, each movement, and each thought is an opportunity to move toward a more subtle and peaceful place – and help others do the same.

In the words of one great yogic Seer:

“All the entities of the universe are on the move. No one has come to rest, to lament unnecessarily. And in this movement lies the success of every entity, the colourful glamour of one’s existence. So move on individually, move on collectively. Let your sincere help illuminate those who have lagged behind on the path of movement.”


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  1. What beautiful pictures and thoughts for this frigid winter morning. Purple, pink and golden sky! Thank you, Satyam, as always, for your wisdom and inspiration. And friendship.

  2. Wow, this is exactly what I am doing right now……i am changing the way my brain percieves visual things in order to see things in a way that I can draw them. My brain is stuck at the age I stopped drawing (grade school) and I still draw the same! By changing how my brain percieves things, I will change how I draw. Thus change takes place.
    Thank you for your perceptions and knowledge that you share with us all.

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