Why Timeless

So many theories come and go from this earth.

The geo-centric universe…communism…gender theories…feudalism…

Through it all, yoga continues to be relevant – even after thousands and thousands of years.


Because the theories of yoga are based on practical experience not vice-versa. The yogis experimented and discovered practical ways to breathe, bend, and relax etc. From those practical experiments came the teachings and theories of yoga. So the practice came first then the theory.

That is why the theory or teachings of yoga are consistent with natural law.

It is just like how Sir Isaac Newton founded his theory of gravity. He did not blindly think this up in his head. Rather he saw the apple fall and then made the theory. He witnessed the practical example and made the theory from that. That is why still his theory of gravity is still relevant today – because it is consistent with the natural world.

Same is the case with yoga. The teachings of yoga are based on the inherent workings of the body and mind. That is why yoga is as applicable today as it was thousands of years ago. Because yoga is grounded in the natural laws governing human life.

In contrast, so many other theories like the geo-centric universe and communism were never based on any practical experiment per se – and were hence inconsistent with natural law. Someone just thought up those theories in their own head and tried to impose it on the world. But those theories did not fit the natural workings of the universe. That is why those theories have been discarded and are now (basically) gone from this earth.

So the secret to the longevity of yoga and its on-going relevance is that all the teachings and theories of yoga are the result of practical experimentation and trial. They are based on the natural patterns of this universe.

That is why yoga is not a fad, nor a gimmick, nor an irrelevant art.

Because of the great wisdom and practical approach of those pioneering yogis, those theories of old shed as much light on the human condition today as they did thousands and thousands of years ago.

It is for this reason that yoga has remained relevant – and stood the test of time – from one age to the next.

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  1. I agree with you that practicality is one of the key points to all systems that maintain through time. Theoretical ideas and pie in the sky beliefs and systems ask one to have “faith” as a foundation. I’m not saying faith isn’t an integral component of being, but that faith without grounded practice that has a practical outcome can be unhealthy in the reliance on external forces instead of a balance of internal and external.

    I find that in modern culture the internal is very much lacking. We’re so fixated on the external world that we forget to cultivate the internal system of delving into self. Instead we rely upon external deities, faiths, etc..as an answer instead of looking to the inherent wisdom within. It’s much more scary to think we have our own power to “save” ourselves than relying on an external force. That then shifts the responsibility from Other to Self.


  2. whale woman makes some powerful points. I find it very interesting that Yoga is being immersed in western culture because of its physical benefits. We injured our bodies with the “no pain, no gain” mentality and turned to yoga. As the physical benefits of yoga spread, so too do its philosophies as our teachers show us the way to a perfect “union of mind and body”.

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