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Why I feel Hopeful….

Why I feel Hopeful….

Our June 2020 Challenge is all about hope. Share what makes you feel hopeful….

What is Your Sense of Hope: What is it that gives you hope in these times. Is it an activity (gardening, cooking, exercising), a thought or memory (past vacations, a poetic verse,  an ideal), a person (partner, grandchild)?

Submit Your Entry: Please do send us yours here or comment below. All submissions will be compiled and posted below.

About the Hope Challenge: Hope Challenge: June 2020

#5: This entry could be YOURS:


#4: Linda writes: 

When I think of what hope is, I am thinking ahead and already have a need. It’s something you wish for or want to happen. We can’t make the future what we want, we can just “hope”. God is my refuge and strength when it comes to wishing. Here is a scripture from the disciple Paul in Romans – “because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope”. So keep going and hoping, it will make you stronger!

#3: Mara writes: 

I have been giving some thought to this, and I find that I continually go back to similar conversations with various people over the last weeks….

– Allowing ourselves not NOT RUSH – many have more time (wanted or not) and are finding that the extra time given/found from lack of commuting, commitments, etc. has allowed them to do things they either have not done before, or have been able to start/restart new habits for the better of their health and well-being.

– I find many are saying how much less they need in differing aspects of their lives.

– People are more content to just have “some spare time” to be – walking, reading, time with family, doing whatever they normally do not have time to do.

– People are finding more creative ways to connect with each other, including being outside in nature more!

I have found for me it has been a combination of many of these things, but most importantly that I have valued the time to be home, deepening my own practices, getting some things done that have been put off, but also to allow for more time to enjoy what we already have. I found I really do not need to be running 800 miles an hour all the time, and this has been a nice eye-opener for myself. There is no need to cram as many things as possible into one day. Enjoy the time you are given, and do something you truly enjoy.

#2: Sharon writes: 

I find hope in nature. Yesterday my elderly dog decided she wanted to go for a walk just as a storm was approaching. I tried to dissuade her but she was determined. I reluctantly followed her as she headed to the beach. I tried to turn her around a couple times but no luck, on to the beach we went. When we got there, I looked out over the water as the full Moon was rising in a clear strip of sky. It reminded me of this challenge, storm clouds flying across the sky behind us but still a peaceful calm could be found. I felt so lucky to be there with her and we sat for quite a while until she was ready to leave.

#1: Annie writes: 

What a lovely idea…

Been thinking of a response for a bit and looking for hope and finding it in so many places…

But today I felt the first real surge: Yellowstone National Park opened its reservation system this morning for all of summer 2021, so at 7:00 am this morning my dear fellow park fanatic and I made reservations for 4 days in the park in September, 2021….

Who knows what will transpire between now and then? But we have something to hope for!


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