What’cha drinkin’ this Summer??

refreshing drink (4)What to drink in the summer? How to stay hydrated and drink something that is good for you as well.

A recent study stated that 1 of 4 kids have at least 1 can of soda a day, and 2 of 4 have at least one serving of a sugary drink (Gatorade, Hawaiian Punch, Hi-C, etc)  each day. This is down from 3 out of 4 some years ago.

Of course, we all need to drink – especially when it is hot out. In that case, what should we reach for – what are our options besides soda / artificial drinks.

Water, as well all know, is one of the best beverages of all-time. And for an alkaline twist one can add lemon or lime. This is what I drink every morning, with a slight pinch of salt.

And indeed we have many more options without having to reach for a sugary soda, artificially flavored punch, processed juice, or caffienated joe / java. (Note: Processed fruit juices become acidic during production – that is they lose their alkalinity, among other drawbacks. And any beverage with caffeine acts as a diuretic; it dehyrdates the body not hydrates. Plus coffee depletes the body of so many nutrients including calcium from the bones – reference.)

So then what what are those beverage options? How about:

1. Cucumber water: So simple and easy. See our post about this from nearly 2 years ago. Some also add basil to this – at least I think that is what Melanie told me, otherwise Melanie please say how you used basil.

2. Herbal teas: Easy, economical and you can go with loose or bagged. That’s right keep it caffeine free.

3. Homemade juices & smoothies: Get out the ol’ blender / juicer and enjoy your favorites.

4. Watermelon Juice: Diana mentioned this one in class – just let the watermelon sit as it creates its own juice. Or try this recipe…

5. Then there is this absolutely wonderful lemonade recipe. Kate kindly shared a few mugs with us after class and it was truly wonderful. Here is that recipe (that’s right it has sugar, but probably 1/100th of store-bought lemonade!).

Please share with us your favorite drink to keep hydrated and cool on those hot summer days.

Here is the recipe for chamomile lemonade: (This is from Kate & she adds that it came from the Vegetarian Times.)
1/4 c cane sugar
2 tbs lemon zest
5 tbs fresh/dried chamomile flowers or 6 chamomile tea bags (I used fresh picked)
3/4 c lemon juice
lemon slices for garnish

1. Combine sugar, lemon zest and 2 c water.  Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar.  Remove from heat, add chamomile flowers and let cool.
2. Strain chamomile mixture in 2 qt pitcher; stir in lemon juice and 3 c water.

I let mine sit in the fridge with the lemon slices added so it might have strengthened the flavor.

Also, another summer drink I really enjoy, especially in the morning, is cold hibiscus tea (made much in the same way as above, with boiling the  petals and straining) and mixed with fresh orange juice.  Also good with added lemongrass and an amazing color any way!

Thanks Kate! Now, everyone, please share with us your thoughts, recommendations for that ultimate summer beverage!

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One Comment

  1. I can personally testify to how WONDERFUL this “lemonaid” is – Kate showed up with these great little jars of it on a very hot, pre-strength and fitness afternoon! What a great pick-me-up..

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