What is Your Opinion??
What do you think…..?
1. Are you interested in a 20 min Abs Class on Saturday mornings in between Morning Yoga (8 – 9am) and Strength & Fitness (9:30am start, but may change to 9:45am)?
2. It’s cold…are you interested in ordering / getting your own Mexican blanket to use during shavasana at discounted pricing?
3. Anything else you’d like to share or request…(please be nice, this is a public forum!)
I’d love it if you had Saturday Ab’s class. Would this be before the morning yoga? Or Between Strength & Fitness? Either way count me in!
I’d also love to see the mexican blankets there; would you also be selling them?
You are always coming up with great new things; thank-you!
I would really like an abs class on Saturday mornings. Hopefully, this class would start sometime after morning yoga? Then I might be able to get Katie to come to class with me too!
Thx for the great idea and planning ahead for a better New Year for all of us
I might be interested in the blankets. I am looking for one but want a really soft one and would need to feel it as some Mexican cotton is rather scratchy.
I do think it’s great that you keep searching for products and ideas to improve our health and make our yoga classes comfortable!
Count me in for an abs class after the 8:00 class Saturday!! Thanks
I would love to go to your abs class, however the commute is just too much
Maybe an abs podcast?? Mom said it’s a great workout!
We would be interested in a 20 minute Abs class on Saturdays
Abs class sounds great. I’d love it. Thanks.