
What Are Your YOGA Goals for 2019?

What Are Your YOGA Goals for 2019?

Share with us what you would like to achieve…..

What is it that you would like to achieve with your yoga practice this year?

Is it a balance pose…regularity of practice…flexibility…
…recovery from an injury or limitation…tranquility of mind?

In the comment section below, let us know of your aims and aspirations.

(Note: Anonymous comments are welcomed.)


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  1. My goal is to get back to class more regularly and deepen my personal meditation practice -to maintain my practice in challenging times…has a familiar ring, but maybe this year I’ll do it☺️

  2. Well I will chime in on this one – expanding it to include the yogic lifestyle on the whole…
    (a) More meditation at home
    (b) More water drinking, less food eating (especially late at night)
    (c) Bring in more variety to the classes as an instructor
    (d) Perhaps add another arm balance or two
    (e) Keeping the stomach as light and as empty as possible before class
    (f) To be continued…..

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