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Water Challenge: Aug 2016

Water Challenge: Aug 2016

We all know water drinking is important – here is an opportunity to be more conscious about it…

Are you drinking an ample amount?

Drinking (more) water is healthy and beneficial. No surprise there. The only matter is if we are really hydrating ourselves the way we should be. For instance, do you wait until your thirsty before drinking? Do you sometimes eat when really you are thirsty? Do you drink caffeinated beverages which act as a diuretic? Do you drink a sufficient amount of water 15 minutes before eating and 30 minutes after eating? And there are more key markers as well…

The Monthly Challenge for August 2016 is “The Water Challenge.” And here the main aim is to take a more conscious survey of our water drinking habits and take a proactive approach towards enhancing our water intake.  So grab your favorite water bottle, keep it full, keep it with you, sip from it regularly through the day, and amp up your water intake. As you will read below, around 4 liters per day is ideal for the average adult.

Water is the ultimate beverage. According to Yoga Cikitsa / Yogic Treatments:

“Ápashcavishvabheśajii” – that is, “Water is medicine for all diseases.” Truly, all types of disease can be relieved if one knows how to use water properly. To maintain the internal functions of the body without hindrance and to maintain the internal liquid balance, everyone should drink a sufficient quantity of water every day. A healthy person can consume three or four liters of water a day, a sick person four or five seers, and a person suffering from skin disease, five or six liters. These amounts of water help cure a disease to a great extent. Drinking water is good, but water with a little lemon and a little salt is still better. Drinking a lot of water at a time is harmful, especially for heart patients.

The Water Chart

And here is more how water is essential for optimum health.


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