
Walking Challenge: Feb ’21

Walking Challenge: Feb ’21

For the month of February, we shall engage in the Walking Challenge….

There have been numerous reports that during this pandemic as a society we have been walking less each day. This comes as no surprise given that we are spending much more time at home, sometimes not even leaving the house for days or an entire week. Without commuting, without gathering for friends, without browsing stores, and without access to various amenities, we stay in one place and walk less. That is the trend.

Now, no doubt, yoga practitioners tend to be more health-conscious so you may be keeping up with your normal walking routine. But for those of us who need a bit of a boost, let’s take aim at increasing our walking. I think no need to make specific goals for us as a collective as everyone has different needs and living situations; besides, coming up with a walking regimen should not be too difficult.

Here are just a few general suggestions:
(a) Making a timed walk in your neighborhood.
(b) Using a step-counter to monitor your movement.
(c) Walking for mileage.
(d) Using a treadmill.
(e) Listening to your favorite podcast while walking.
(f) Inviting friends for a socially-distanced walk.

However you choose, get your steps in and let us know what works for you….


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  1. Walking/hiking have always been part of my regular exercise. I’ve been using the pandemic to get acquainted with some county, out-of-county and state parks and nature preserves (big and little). It’s been a real joy to discover so many hidden gems I’ve never explored all within a 50 mile radius….from rivers to marshes to woodlands and bay. And the fresh air and sunshine does wonders for my mental health. Each week I look at a map to see where to go next that I haven’t been yet!

  2. Thank you – my friends – for motivating me to continue on year after year! Thank YOU for walking with ME! Please know this is a “suggestion” for the day.  If you don’t complete the full assignment – please just do as much as you can and then move on to the next day (That’s the secret to life, by the way)!

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