
Walk & Jog Challenge: Mar ’22

Walk & Jog Challenge: Mar ’22

All month long we will be on the move…

Send us your photos of where you’ve been walking / jogging.

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Aim: Time to get off the mat, lace’ em up, and get truckin’, i.e. walking or jogging.

Description: Now, I know many of you are already quite active walkers and runners, while some of us may need to move a bit more. So this month let’s share the wealth of our inspiration and / or rise up from our inertia and get moving! Here are a few basic ways to go about it:

(a) Walk outside daily
(b) During your walk add a short spurt of jogging
(c) Use a treadmill
(d) Increase your rate and distance
(e) Get new running shoes
(f) Time yourself
(g) Grab a friend
(h) Develop a new route

Do whatever you need to to get your cardio going!!

My Comeback Tale: Personally, I was very physically mobile (hiking, running, climbing) in my early to mid-20’s, and then I wasn’t. I took a bit of a hiatus – how about 25 years. Then after I had been in NC for a while and mom’s health had reached a point of stability, I felt I should get on the move again. So I got some running shoes, and started very gradually, just going up and down the street, merely a few houses. Slowly, little by little, I began building my base and gaining my stamina. My wind was coming back. The short spurts turned into very modest loops, which morphed into modest distances, and now my standard is a 3-mile jog each day with a good sprint a the end.

Share: Send us pics of your outdoor jaunts, indoor workouts, or grand escapades. Show us your vistas and efforts, and / or write us a line or two about your progress. Whether big or small, we look forward to hearing about your gains!!

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  1. Ok Satyam, you’re on! A friend and I are leaving Thursday for a 5-day expedition into the Redwoods, as deep as we can go! I don’t know what this “jogging” is that you speak of but we’ll be doing lots of “plodding” and “slogging” if those count! Pictures to come!

    1. How wonderful Annie!! Have a great trip!! I will look forward to your pics!! In the meantime, I will make a jogging video for you so you can see what it is…I think you’d like it!!

  2. Perfect timing! For the last couple of years, I haven’t been walking regularly. In February, my daughter and I participated in our first organized race – a 3k benefit for the local zoo. I didn’t die, I completed it and I wasn’t last 😊, I consider that a success! Now we have our sights set on a 5k, but I need to be prepared. This challenge is exactly what I need! I’ve walked 3 times already this week! Will try to remember to take photos to share!

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