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Videos: Monkeys, Penguins & the Art of Learning

Videos: Monkeys, Penguins & the Art of Learning

These two videos depict how animals learn from us
and how we might learn from animals…

Video #1: Monkey Driving

Although this is a great way to lose your job as a bus driver, here credit goes to the monkey for taking such an active interest in this endeavor. The monkey seems to have the process well figured out, save for the fact that we do not sit on the steering wheel. Beyond that it is a green go for the monkey.

The above video also serves as a reminder of what a unique place India truly is. One Indian national living in the US cited that this is a clear example how the general Indian populace is not inclined to following societal rules. There is indeed much chaos in the Indian social order which explains in part how a bus full of people are “OK” with having the monkey at the wheel. That said there there is also a set of life principles that has served Indian society so well for so long, alas those are now being eroded by materialism.

Video #2: Penguin Bloopers

These penguins demonstrate how life does not always according to plan, yet when we take a spill we need not agonize over it. Simply we should gather ourselves and move on.

Sometimes in yoga class, we may experience an unexpected slip, awkward lean, or a misdirection etc. In that case, we need not feel embarrassed in any way. Just we should follow the way of the penguin, and carry on with life as if not a thing went awry in the first place.


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