Video Poetry: “To A Louse”

Here below is the next entry for this month’s Poetry Challenge.

Believe it or not – this was made States-side – not across the pond….

 “To  A Louse” by Robert Burns (1759 – 1796) – Annie (the one on the left) tells us that the last verse is posted on the wall in Parliament.

Here is a small segment about the poem from Wikipedia:

In this poem the narrator notices an upper class lady in church, with a louse that is roving, unnoticed by her, around in her bonnet. The poet chastises the louse for not realising how important his host is, and then reflects that, to a louse, we are all equal prey, and that we would be disabused of our pretensions if we were to see ourselves through each other’s eyes. An alternative interpretation is that the poet is musing to himself how horrified and humbled the pious woman would be if she were aware she was harboring a common parasite in her hair. (Wikipedia)

Thanks Annie and Lisa for this wonderfully animated and theatrical contribution!

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