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Video: Baby Elephant Overcomes Fear of Water

Baby Elephant Overcomes Fear of Water

This is a heart-warming tale yet also a key point on the philosophy of mind…

The mind needs perpetual training – in all kinds of ways. Sometimes this applies to overcoming our fears of old, but also insecurities about the future, and verily all sorts of uncertainties of life.

One way to overcome our fears is through painstaking training and therapy as was successfully achieved in the above video. Meditation is another avenue for clearing the mind of its fears and insecurities. Fear, or bhaya in Sanskrit, is one of the many propensities (vrttis) of mind. Other propensities include greed, jealousy, envy, love, generosity, and compassion etc.

The process of meditation naturally strengthens the mind whereby the positive propensities (love, generosity, and compassion etc) become more developed, and the negative ones (greed, jealousy, and envy etc) drift away.

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