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Video: Annie on Eve of Hip Replacement

(Note: Be sure to see all the timeline updates in bold red below…)

Here is Annie on the eve of her hip replacement surgery. The surgery was actually this morning (Tues, 11/6) at 9:30am and by all accounts it seems to have gone extremely well. She passed with flying colors!!

As you might imagine, the past few months have not been easy – but Annie has handled it with much courage and composure, with steadfast determination to maintain what she has in the present and be better than ever in the future.

She has been as regular as ever in yoga – doing upwards of 6 classes a week, creatively coming up with her own unique modifications when necessary, and perfecting poses she had trouble managing in the past. On the one hand, each day was different with its own inherent challenges, and, on the other, each day the same with Annie always keeping the course.

Many were swept up in the wake of her trials and triumphs over these weeks and months. She really has been an inspiration for how to handle adversity, and lay the groundwork for tremendous success in the future.

By viewing the video, it is quite apparent she is not your average hip-replacement candidate. Could anyone in the OR today do what she is doing? Whatever the answer may be, she gave it her all and that’s what counts.

Needless to say, we all expect bright, bright tidings. She is now day 1 post-op with some recovery to do. Seeing how well she handled her days prior to surgery, it is quite evident that she will take things to task and be a sterling example for how to bounce back and be better than ever!


Update 11/7/12 at 6pm: Annie writes us, “Now to start my journey back! It is exciting! Love, Annie”

Update 11/11/12 morning: Had my first PT session – [they] said my yoga practice will serve me quite well through this process – very happy with my initial progress, and thinks I will get rid of the walker this week and return to just a cane (although, don’t tell Frannie, I’ve been rehearsing some hands free walking under the radar!)

Here is an interview we did with Annie about 1 1/2 years ago…

(Technical Note: The video should be clear. The actual footage is clear but I am noticing that depending on one’s operating system and web browser, it can be quite fuzzy – not sure why. Tell me what you see: Basically clear or hazy and blurry?)

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  1. Hey Annie!
    Congratulations and job well done! I must know a dozen people who’ve had this op. and the best results came to the ones who were in the best shape going in. (You take that cake!) We’re here for ya. Holler if you all need a hand with anything. See you soon I’m sure! patti

  2. Wow thanks everyone for all the texts, calls and visits! I am truly the luckiest person on earth! Second PT visit today and I’m back to just a cane…I can’t thank our yoga family enough for all the encouragement…it has just propelled me through this amazing adventure! Love to all!!

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