
Veggie Dish Challenge: Nov 2015

Veggie Dish Challenge: Nov 2015

A great time to share healthy, tasty eating with friends and family.

Eating Healthy (summer) -2

How it works: For the month of November 2015, we shall embark on the Veggie Dish Challenge. It is very simple. During the course of month, prepare a plant-based dish and share with it friends, relatives, and family. That means using ingredients that wholly consist of vegetables, grains, legumes, or fruit. So there is a whole spectrum from which to choose. And it need not be an entire meal – but of course it could be. Maybe this is done on a special occasion like Thanksgiving Day, or on a casual Friday night, or during your work lunch-hour. It is up to you. Whenever and however you choose, here is an opportunity to prepare an old stand by or break out and try something entirely new.

Share It: Of course once you prepare your meal, we’d love to see a picture of it, get the recipe, and hear the story how you made it and how it was shared and enjoyed.

The march is on: More and more are turning towards a plant-based diet to fuel their bodies and minds. A large bulk of the medical literature points in this direction and these days there are so many resources for how to achieve this – some of which I have noted below. As you probably heard, just this week the World Health Organisation (WHO) “classified processed meats in the same category as asbestos, alcohol, arsenic and tobacco.” More importantly, this is not an isolated study, but part of a greater body of work amongst the medical establishment towards plant-based eating. And since its inception, the yogic approach to eating has been a vegetarian diet. So this challenge goes hand in hand with our practice as well.

A few resources: Here are a few trusted resources to find medical information, dietary guidelines, and fabulous recipes – [a] PCRM, [b] Dr John McDougall, [c] Dr Dean Ornish, [d] Dr Joel Fuhrman, [e] vegetarian recipes (1), [f] vegetarian recipes (2),[g] vegetarian recipes (3). And there is so much more out there – let us know what you find.

Enjoy!: So enjoy and let us know how it goes – or if you have any questions…


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  1. From today’s New York Times, a well-timed article for our Thursday night SoCoGrow speaker, USDA nutrition researcher Donna Rhodes: “Serve Up Color, Great Taste and Good Health.”
    Thursday, November 12, 2015: Deale Community Library: 6:45 pm

    “Consumers are walking away from America’s most iconic food brands. Big manufacturers are reacting by cleaning up their ingredient labels, acquiring healthier brands and coming out with a prodigious array of new products.”

    A Seismic Shift in How People Eat

  2. I am crazy about my new recipe for Lebanese Spinach, Lemon, and Lentil Soup. I’ve changed it a little bit to satify my taste.


    My changes: Add 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp cumin, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper, 1 tbs of fresh lemon juice. Garnish with fresh mint instead of cilantro. Indian naan from Trader Joe’s goes very well with this!

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