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Tree Pose Challenge: Mar ’21

Tree Pose Challenge: Mar ’21

Let’s jettison into spring with a tree pose challenge
wherein each week will feature a new twist….


Come and engage in tree pose all month long!! To make it interesting and dynamic, we will add a new challenge each week. This below video introduces the event, discusses balance techniques, presents the weekly challenges, offers demonstrations, and more. Support materials for this event are appended below.

Send us your work: Any media you send us of your tree pose shall be posted on this site – look forward to seeing what you do with this endeavor!!

Weekly Schedule

As demoed in the above video, here are the challenges for each week:

Mar 1 – 7: Establish Your Tree Pose – Look Up at the Sky

Mar 8 – 14: Eyes Closed

Mar 15 – 21: Transitions (Tree to Hand to Foot, Tree to Lateral Balance, Tree to Dancer, Tree to 1/2 Chair Pose, Tree to Half Moon, Tree to Capital X – let us know what you come up with!!)

Mar 22 – 28: Increased Duration

Balance Tips

Here are a few practical tips for balancing on one foot, such as in tree pose, or its many variations, and other upright balance poses:

1. Relax the foot that is touching the ground. Let the muscles release so the entire foot may spread into the Earth. Having the toes clenched and white-knuckled is a sign of gripping, not balancing.

2. Lengthen through the entire leg without locking the knee.

3. Square the hips so they are facing forward.

4. Pull the naval in, lift up through the abs, keep the spine erect, and set the shoulders over the hips.

5. Fix your gaze straight ahead to one far away point on the horizon.

6. Keep your chin level, facial features relaxed, and breathe evenly.

7. Ensure your body is like an arrow from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head.

8. Be firm but not tense; Be courageous but not over-confident; Be aware but not self-conscious.

9. Enjoy your stance and feel how you are in perfect balance with everything!!


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