Top Ten Reasons Why I Can’t Attend the Arm-Balance Workshop

There seems to be some reticence about signing up for the upcoming arm-balance workshop on Sunday, June 23…

When in fact this is something that really everyone can do.

[Update 12:30pm 05 June: Although this below is the original list – I feel the list really should have been about why anyone and everyone can really do this. Balancing on the arms just means getting more in tune with our body dynamics – whether it be table pose or any other. What might seem challenging to others is easy for us and vice versa. So this workshop is nothing more than an opportunity to share and go beyond our normally perceived boundaries. So like all things yoga this is a process encapsulated by acceptance.]

“Top Ten Reasons Why I Can’t Attend the Arm Balance Workshop!”

– oh my – stay tuned – a new top ten list is coming – one that approaches and addresses this topic a little differently – thank you… –

Yes, I want to sign up for this seminar!

[Update 12:09pm 05 June: The spirit of this post is that all can do this workshop if they wish – it is not exclusive, it is not above and beyond, there is no intimidation factor – so this list is nothing but a  welcoming for those who wish to try it. Thanks for understanding – Satyam]

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  1. Ok I admit it….. It’s the dreaded crow pose and whatever the yogis call that Donkey kick holding me back. I’ve only been trying to do them for 7 years! Unsuccessfully as anyone in Thursday’s class is well aware. I’m thinking about it:)

    1. You are an arm-balancing guru and have a style all your own – not to mention a level of expertise that is unmatched on many poses – we will run the full gamut of poses from balancing table to side plank and to your lovely L-shaped handstand – you have much to share and hope you will be there…


  2. Yes Jean, please come! You are my role model in all this stuff – I’m trying to work up the courage to try some of this again, so please come, if only for your inspirational power!

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