
Timelapse From Space

Every so often we all need a reminder about where we are in this cosmos and that there is an indeed a grand universe to explore. At the same time let us remember the yogic ideal: What is outside is inside and what is inside is outside – it is all one. Thus the meditative journey is a veritable to know all there is to know about this universe.

The above video from the International Space Station (ISS) comes to us by way of Greg Izzi.

“Some interesting tidbits about the ISS. It orbits the planet about once every 90 mins and is about 350 Km/217 miles. The yellow/greenish line that you see over the earth is Airgolw. All footage has been color graded, denoised, deflickered, slowed down and stabilized.” Read More

Here are other great videos about this earth: What a Wonderful World, The Beauty of Pollination, The Vast Creation.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this, a journey around the world, so great!! Lots of lightning in the clouds, and WOW for the volcano at the beginning. Helps put things in perspective:)

    1. You are most welcome Susan – all credit goes to Greg who sent me the link. Glad you enjoyed the video!

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