
Three Generations of Downward Dog

Three Generations of Downward Facing Dog

Check out this pyramid-puzzle of downward-facing dogs featuring gram, mom, and boy wonder…

Kate send us this great pic from upstate New York which features three down dogs by three members of the same family, representing three different generations. In particular, check out the muscles of the guy at the top!!!


Addendum 9/26/16: Here I should add the Luke literally grew up in our yoga classes as Kate did a number of pre-natal classes with us and then from the age of a few months to a few years, he must have attended hundreds of classes. And he went through various phases of how he would spend the time. Sometimes it was an organic game of hide and seek between Luke, mama, and teacher – during shavasana (corpse pose), and then crawling got underway and he would investigate everyone’s poses in a whole new way – in, under, and around. Thereafter, once he got his feet beneath him he became more ambitious – especially on Saturday mornings when his fellow toddler yoginis (all three of them!) were there to join him! All that history has seemed to have served him well…and yes this website features numerous photos of his development over that time…


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