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They Like Music Too

Each and every being is attracted toward a more subtle vibration. This brings feelings of joy, peace and contentment. This is a universal attraction for all – to find a more refined flow in life.

While no doubt we can get caught up in more crude endeavors and general busyness, it is when we return to and seek out the subtle that we feel better.

This applies to animals as well. They also want to find joy and peace in this world.

Of the 5 sense experiences – shabda (sound) – is the most subtle. That is why at the highest state of realization, the aspirant will only hear the eternal sound: Omn.

Here below is a sweet reminder how all have an appreciation for the more subtle expressions of life…

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  1. Wow- I believe cows are a better behaved and more attentive audience than people-what a great happy video-thanks Barb

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