
The New Challenge: March 2019

The New Challenge: March 2019

It is absolutely just like it sounds, try something new this month,
and let us know about it…(if you wish).

For the month of March 2019 we shall embark on The New Challenge. That means expanding your horizons and simply trying something new. It might be simple or grand; that is entirely your choice – and it need not be yoga related per se. The defining factor is that it should be new.

Spanning the realms of outdoor engagement, culinary arts, reading and study, daily habits, gardening, odds-n-ends, social service, technology, visual art, travel, family, and just about whatever you can think of, try something new. And then let us know what it is you tried and how it went. You may comment below, or write us here.

Remember, it need not be something monumental, it is more about reaching out into a new endeavor. It will be interesting to hear about it – both in terms of what you chose and how it went. And it very well might inspire others…



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