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The Balance Challenge: April ’19 – Week #2

The Balance Challenge: April ’19 – Week #2

Here we explore how to enter into a lateral balance pose….

Balance comes and goes and demands practice. And one certainly has the ability to improve their balance. A big part of it is muscle memory – and that key word: confidence.

Keeping this in mind are embarking on The Balance Challenge for the month of April 2019. Each week we will explore a new way to enhance our balance.

Here is what we will do for week #2:

(A) Getting Ready: First let’s work on preparing for almost any standing balance pose:

  1. Relax the feet so the muscles release and the toes are not gripped into the mat. You might even wish to lift all ten toes and gently let them spread across the earth.
  2. Engage the leg muscles without locking the knee.
  3. Square the hips to the front edge of your mat.
  4. Pull the naval in, engage your core, and stand tall.
  5. Roll the shoulders up and back, keeping the spine erect and the heart open.
  6. Fix your gaze straight ahead at one single point.
  7. Keep your chin level, facial features relaxed, and breathe evenly.
  8. Now you are in an ideal position for entering a lateral balance pose.

(B) Entering a Lateral Balance Pose: 

Now let’s explore our entry into a lateral balance pose – see if this below podcast helps get you into flight!!

Try this on a daily basis and gauge your progress.

Let us know how it goes….


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