The Arm Balance Workshop – Sun, Jun 23

Arm Balance WorkshopThe Arm-Balance Workshop

Sun, Jun 23, 2p – 4:30p

Black Belt Academy, Dunkirk

$30 by June 19 // $35 after June 19


This workshop will focus on basic to challenging arm balance poses: Supported side plank to unsupported side crow & more. After a brief warm-up we will start exploring the arm balance.

We will lift-up, go sideways, invert, balance laterally, and use a wall when needed. So be ready to be challenged but not intimidated. Everybody can do this on their own personalized level.

Contrary to popular belief, balancing on your arms does not mean having strong arms and putting all your weight on them, but rather learning to shift your weight, engaging other muscle groups (like your core), and counter-balancing so your arms hold the least amount of weight possible. Some call it the art of weightlessness. This will be an open forum for trying new things, reviewing old ones, and refining arm balance poses that remain a challenge for you.

All are welcome as everyone can approach this at their own pace and comfort. (Note: This is held in a facility that has a padded floor – ahhhh.)

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