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Student Spotlight: Sarah

Today we welcome Sarah as our latest student spotlight…

…Sarah is a long-time participant in our Monday night Yoga for Strength & Fitness class at NECC and she and her mom have attended some of our Live Sitar and Yoga seminars as well.

In addition, Sarah is a nurse with experience at the Dept of Health and she and her husband are the proud parents of Caroline (b. June 24, 2010), with another one coming soon (!), as Sarah is now 6 months pregnant.

Here is a video of Sarah’s practice and below that is a sit-down talk we had with Sarah about yoga, life, pregnancy, and more – so please do listen to her audio file as well.

Here BELOW is the podcast from Sarah…

(After listening to Sarah check out more of our Student Spotlights)

Your comments are most welcomed as I am sure Sarah would enjoy hearing from you!

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