
Student Spotlight: Jennifer

Jennifer 20110618_105030Jennifer first came to class some years ago and has become more regular in the last 1/2 year or so. Along the way her husband, Dan, and daughter, Sierra, have also attended. Jennifer also has a son, Nathan. Both kids are in their early high school years at Southern.

Jennifer hails from southern California and in fact just last week she made a surprise visit back home for her mom’s birthday. Ever the gracious one, Jennifer cooked grand meals every evening for her entire extended family. They came over to eat every night!

In her practice, Jennifer is quite graceful as well – as you can see from the photo. She has a natural sense of balance and enters her poses with a wonderful composure – most of  the time!

Do listen in and see what Jennifer has to say…

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One Comment

  1. Jennifer – what a gorgeous dancer pose! I’m so glad we’re on this journey together…and it’s so fun to learn more about your ‘outside’ life – I can easily imagine you gathering a great crowd together to feast and enjoy each other’s company! I’m looking forward to struggling, failing, and succeeding in many classes of yoga together!

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