
Student Spotlight: Elizabeth

Student Spotlight:
Elizabeth on Abs

Podcast: 3 min 22 sec

Here Elizabeth share her insights on (re)entering the  Abs class.

Elizabeth has really made excellent progress since rejoining the Abs class earlier this year, so I wanted to sit down and talk to her about it.


Note: In the podcast, Elizabeth talks about the time she and I took a few minutes to go over modifications and proper form. Let me know if you’d like to do a similar session and we will aim to organize something for all those interested. 

Here below is the podcast…

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  1. Wow – thanks for posting this! I have been wanting to come back to abs but between lingering hip issues and popping both rotator cuffs the last two years, have been anxious about reinjuring something. Would LOVE a short workshop that would share modifications so I would feel more confident. You are an inspiration Elizabeth!

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