
Student Spotlight: Anna

Meet Anna – and do listen to her podcast below. Anna has been coming to classes for years – generally on Friday mornings.


In fact she was the first in her family to attend. Since then 2 of her daughters, her son, and one of her grandchildren have also come.

Anna has a grand family – her idea of a family get-together is 30+ people, easy. And about her yoga? We all know that yoga starts & ends with a positive, “can-do” spirit. Along this theme, Anna has got us all beat.  What comes her way she meets with an open mind and courageous heart – always seeing the bright side of life. And she does not worry about things that have yet to happen.


In the past year, Anna has been through a lot and underwent an extended hospitalization – with various complications. But you know what? You would never know it now. Anna is upbeat, independent, mobile and headed soon to Mexico for a little r & r to close out the summer – and did I tell you she did a cross-country road trip this summer? Life goes on and so does Anna.

We still meet most Fridays for yoga, one-on-one at her house, where we work on movement, balance & strength. Each week there is noticeable improvement, which to be honest comes as no surprise at all.

Note: This piece on Anna was done on Aug 12, 2011.

Anna and I continued to get together on a weekly basis for many more years – through January of 2015. We went through so much together. On Thursday, February 12, 2015, Anna passed peacefully at her home, surrounded by her beloved family. She is survived by her four children – Susie, Steve, Margaret & Sandy, as well as many grandchildren and several great grandchildren. Anna’s buoyant spirit will surely be missed – but never forgotten. 

Those who wish to share their thoughts and memories may do so in the comment section below – they will be passed on to the family.

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One Comment

  1. Anna,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story! You are truly an inspiration…I hope you have been able to share it with others who have experienced a stroke, because it is such a hopeful, encouraging outlook. So I will think of you whenever I get discouraged because of a little arthiritis! Again, thanks – the world needs more stories like yours!

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