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Stories from the Giita: Krsna visits Vidura

lord_krishna The Bhagavad Giita and the greater era of the Mahabharata period offer wonderful stories for humanity. These parables are timeless.

In this particular story, the Great Krishna (Krsna) arrives at Vidura’s house unannounced. Listen to see what transpires.

The teaching from this story is as true today as it was back then: 3,500 years ago.

More stories from this ancient time will be recorded in future podcasts. If you have a favorite, please let us know and we will try and accomodate your request.

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  1. Hi Satyam,

    I listened to the podcast twice.

    Because Krsna can sense the love, good intention and the sweet feeling from Vidura’s wife in preparing the food, so is that means that the moral of the stories when someone give a gift to other person, it must be comes from the heart instead of the thoughts and expectations? and the same with the recipient of the gift that he/she should be able to sense the feeling that comes from that gift?

    (From Yogacome2me)

    Hi Yogacome2me,

    Yes, you’ve got the essence. The main idea is that this universe is vibrational not material. The thought behind is more telling and more valued than the material object. In the yogic ideal, ideation is everything: It guides our meditation as well as our human interactions. And if the thought is one of sweetness, love and affection then naturally the interaction or giving will be dominated by that love, regardless of the nature of the material exchange. And the recipient will be moved by that feeling.

    In general, I think the story focuses more on the one doing the giving than the one doing the receiving – but, no doubt, ultimately they are both part of the same equation.

    Again, I think you certainly touch on the essential meaning in your queries.


  2. Below are two more comments from the YJ Community Blogsite – Satyam


    Hi Satyam –

    I really liked how you told this story. Like you say, it is timeless. I hope it is ok that I added this podcast to Yoga North’s blog. I credited you and linked to your site. Let me know if you do not wish your work to be posted on the Yoga North blog.

    Thanks for sharing.



    Good story.

    I love the gentle rythms of your voice.

    Bob Weisenberg http://www.YogaDemystified.com

  3. Here are two more comments about from YJ Community Blog:

    Excellent story/lesson on kindess, love and intentions of the heart.

    A+ podcast.

    Well done, friend.

    Blessings to you.



    Beautiful reminder of kindness and gratitude. Can’t wait to hear more! Have a beautiful day. S

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