
Stay-At-Home Yoga #9: Morning Magic & More

Stay-At-Home Yoga #9: Morning Magic & More

Podcast: 58 min 09 sec

~ Part one concludes at 25:45 ~

An ideal way to rise in the morning – or rejuvenate anytime.

Partake in a gentle journey to the halfway point, or continue on,
marching through warrior sequences and more…

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast opens with an ideal way to wake up your body and mind before getting on with your day. Or stay on board for the the full practice and engage in a standing sequence and venture to see what happens next.

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

PART I: Supine / utksepa mudra / gentle hip movements / supported bridge pose / hip opener / supine spine twist & variation / bound angle / happy baby pose with extension / legs up / seated / wide angle fold / table / down dog / standing meditation

PART II: Warrior I / extended side angle / warrior II reverse / mini pyramid pose / low lunge / table / iron gate pose / half-circle / eagle pose (arms only) / balancing table / utthita dhanurasana / plank variations / puppy dog / sphinx / shalabasana series / quad stretch / cobra pose / child / shavasana

Music courtesy of:  Soothing Relaxation


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  1. This is very nice 2 for 1…the beginning part is great for anytime you need a short, gentle practice…and the second half rounds it out to a full session…thanks, thanks, thanks!

    1. Always great to hear your review Annie – as well as your considerations of how this practice might be used…

  2. Nice Satyam ! The audio is brighter and the music is clearer complementing your words. I like how you split it up. Gives one the option. Grateful for your time and effort 🙏


    1. Thanks Greg for your keen feedback – good to hear!!

      Also, starting with #10 I am using a pop filter which eliminates some of the aspirated sounds, pops, and whistles etc. Need all the help I can get!!

  3. The first half of #9 is also good before bedtime, to work out kinks from sitting all evening. Mary Stuart

    1. Greetings Mary Stuart – wonderful to know this is equally a good practice for the end of the day as well!! 🌛🌜

  4. Hi Satyam – Thank you very much for putting this together; that was so relaxing! I agree with Greg the music complemented your voice and the practice very nicely.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thanks for checking in – so glad to hear that the podcast works!! Will aim to keep churning them out!! 🙂 🙏

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