
Stay-At-Home Yoga #7: Wall Yoga & Wholesome Flow

Stay-At-Home Yoga #7: Wall Yoga & Wholesome Flow

Podcast: 1 hr 03 min 18 sec

Begin with an engaging wall yoga sequence and then transition onto your mat for a calming yet dynamic routine…

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast guides you through a selection of supportive wall poses that help in making the body limber and free, and then it is onto the mat for a varied practice. All the best to you, and let us know how it goes!!

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

– Against the Wall: makarasana / standing fold / cobra / extended L-shape series & variations / lunge / pigeon / dancer & variations / backbend

– On the Matt: seated breathing / seated twists / forward stretch / table / downward dog / cat – cow / lazy lizard / wide angle fold / Warrior I / Warrior III (variation) / revolved spine twist / lizard / wide angle child / supported half moon / downdog / head to knee /ย  plank & variations / half-shalabasana / cobra / seated wide angle fold / upward boat / core balance stretch / inclined plank / supine personal practice / shavasana


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  1. This was fun! I’d forgotten about those wall stretches, and now I’m psyched to use them to help me recover my dancer pose.


    1. Glad you enjoyed them and found them helpful – I will be coming out with another wall series featuring some new wall poses…stay tuned!!!

      After all, since we are in these houses under quarantine, we might as well make full utilization of all these walls!!

  2. – aquariusonthemove: I’m loving these so much! One of the best things to come out of this pandemic! Thank you, thank you ๐Ÿ™

    – renaissanceyoga: @aquariusonthemove thanks so much Tina, they are a joy to share and it is wonderful to know they are helpful in this most unusual period… ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ™

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