
Stay-At-Home Yoga #6: Gentle Yoga

Stay-At-Home Yoga #6: Gentle Yoga

Podcast: 43 min 28 sec

Bask in this gentle series of yogic movements to stretch and gain a sense of calm…

The Podcast / Practice

This unscripted, unedited free-flowing podcast guides you through a low impact yoga session that allows you to stretch and move at a slow pace. The soothing effect will be felt both physically and psychically.

Note: This podcast has a couple “funky” transitions at the 21 min & 27 min marks involving sphinx pose – just make the best of it!! 😂🙏

Sequence: Here is the basic overall flow of the practice:

Standing position / wiggle toes, angle rolls, bending knees, leg rotations / roll shoulders / urdhva hastasana / swan dive / back bend / standing half-moon / talasana / rag doll / back bend / wide angle side bend / side angle swan dive / table / cat – cow / leg back / puppy dog / sphinx / cobra poses/ child / down dog / (balancing table) / wide angle child’s pose / seated twists / oyster / seated forward fold / bound angle / balancing ball / supine / legs in air / bound bridge pose / hip opener / rocks and rolls / seated breathing


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    1. You are very, very welcome Stephanie!! Thanks so much for checking in!! Always nice to hear how the podcasts are working for folks — stay well!!!

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